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The Impact of Bankruptcy on Small Businesses

In the world of business, the pursuit of success and profitability are commonly sought-after goals. In the pursuit of growth and prosperity, some small businesses may face an unfortunate...

January 16th 2024 Author: Brendan Gilbert

The Impact of Bankruptcy on Small Businesses

B2B Collections: Best Practices

B2B collections play a crucial role in maintaining the financial health of businesses of all shapes, sizes, and descriptions. Efficiently handling accounts receivable and promptly recovering debts are essential components...

November 28th 2023 Author: Jeremy Crane

B2B Collections: Best Practices

Debt collection in construction industry

A lot of companies  in the construction industry are small businesses, which often means they are not equipped to manage their finances properly. Many of these companies also face difficulties...

November 21st 2023 Author: Brendan Gilbert

Debt collection in construction industry

Successful Debt Collection Techniques

Debt collection is a capability that every business needs to develop. If you're running a small business and don't have the time or money to hire a professional debt collection...

November 7th 2023 Author: Brendan Gilbert

Successful Debt Collection Techniques